What should I do before my microblading procedure?
Questions? We Have Answers…
If you have a desired shape and color in mind, please bring in some reference photos with you to your appointment. You may fill in your eyebrows as you normally would so we may take into consideration the shape you feel most comfortable with. If you regularly get your eyebrows shaped, waxed, threaded or tinted, please refrain from doing so within at least one week of your appointment. If there are any stray hairs that fall outside of our final shape, we will remove them.
If you plan to go on a sunny vacation, it is recommended to plan your trip a minimum of 30 days after the procedure.
We require our clients to avoid any blood thinners for a minimum of 48 hours prior to their appointment. This includes Vitamin E, Aspirin, Niacin, fish oil supplements, and Ibuprofen.
Do not drink any alcohol or caffeine 48 hours prior to your appointment. That includes decaf coffee, teas, and kombucha.
Dolls, we love looking our best, but please no Botox for 2 weeks prior to microblading Our Browlologists recommend that it's ideal to wait until after your Enhancement Session heals to get Botox, as a knowledgeable injector will take your new brows into consideration when choosing where to inject.
If you have been on prescription Accutane in the past, please wait at least one full year (12 months minimum) before considering this procedure. Doxycycline users are also encouraged to wait up to 6 months before receiving Microblading.
Please avoid sun and tanning bed exposure for 2 weeks before and one month after procedure. If you arrive for your appointment with a freshly tanned or a sunburned skin, you will need to reschedule and will forfeit your deposit. As your skin regenerates from a sunburn, it will take the pigment with it. Sun exposure can also cause excessive bleeding and sensitivity leading to pool healed results.